Florist Collection Peach Spray Roses

AED 499.00

Florist Collection Peach Spray Roses is an astonishing creation of our best florist.

30 to 40 stems spray roses.

48 in stock


Florist Collection Peach Spray Roses is an astonishing creation of our best florist.

30 to 40 stems spray roses.

Life Span: 1-3 days


  • Flowers always prefers to stay in temperatures between 8 to 22 degrees Celsius, and always avoid placing the flowers near direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, directly under ceiling fans, or anywhere that has a hot temperature around it.
  • While we always strive to ensure that products are accurately represented in our photographs, from season to season and subject to availability, our florists may be required to substitute one or more flowers for a variety of equal or greater quality, appearance, and value

Additional information

Weight 100 kg